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On Running a Company


Have you ever gone to work on a cold monday morning and felt uncertain about what it was you were doing? You stare at the wall for minutes on end thinking about what it is that you are supposed to do. You sip on your coffee and laugh to yourself about a time when you were having fun. You remember someone from a long time ago that is doing well, and you're genuinely happy for them.

Yeah, that's every day for me 😌

I'm really not sure how society evolved into the state it currently is in, but surely with the number of jobs out there, and the number of people who are always looking for a job, couldn't we fit everyone into a role that they would enjoy?

Well. I felt it was time for a change. So I went and started a game company.

Here it is!


It's called Ind3x (or Index Interactive, LLC if you want to be technical), and we have a website and a game already out, although it's no technical achievement, and was really just to get the ball rolling.

I hired 3 engineers, and we have a huge project underway. I would love to tell you more about it, but I can't. It's a secret. 😏 Oh yea, and it's going to revolutionize the gaming industry (let me dream, thank you).

Ok, on a serious note, I am very excited about it, I believe it has potential, and we are starting off with a decent amount of momentum. But along with that momentum there is a huge iceberg of unknowns lying somewhere out of sight, and everything on the internet says DON'T DO IT.

I'm doing it anyway. And my team is just as excited as I am, and I think that's a key element to getting this project off the ground. The plan is to spend the next 12 months or so coming up with a decent prototype, and then pitching it to an investment group.

Updates to follow.

Oh, and you can checkout our offical blog page to track our progress in depth.

Catch you all soon

Felipe MullenBy /felipemullen